Helping Someone Helps Everyone

In 2021, 58% of households with the lowest incomes experienced some form of negative employment shift while 21% of the highest income households experienced the same as a result of the shifting patterns of the pandemic.* The inequity in experiences between the lowest and highest income households is largely rooted in systemic limitations for attaining educational equity.

Education is referred to as “the great equalizer” — it opens opportunities for and access to jobs, skills, and resources to thrive.  The Great Equalizer

Barriers to entering the STEAM workforce are statistically much higher for students who are Black, Hispanic, or female. Providing educational resources that support STEAM education helps bring greater gender and race equity to our communities. Our annual Back-to-School Drive takes steps toward bringing equity into classrooms and communities. Our bright, young students have amazing futures ahead of them. Uplifting their voices and equipping them to write their own story will help build a stronger, more empathetic, and inclusive future for us all.

*Results from 2021 Taking Count Study on Poverty in the Bay Area..