Our Mission, Our Future

Vision, Mission, Values

Our Vision 

We envision a world where giving brings joy, offers hope, and creates learning possibilities.

Our Mission

Connecting those who can give to those in need with educational support, gifts, and volunteerism.

Our Values

Community – We foster an inclusive culture of volunteerism and philanthropy with people of all ages and backgrounds. We strive to inspire people to "pay it forward" by uplifting others in our community.

Kindness – We demonstrate genuine empathy and compassion in all that we do. We are advocates for treating people with respect and consideration and making giving back a joyful experience.

Empowerment – We recognize that we don't all start from the same place in the world. Through community alliances, we provide those we serve with gifts and tools to give them the equitable opportunity to dream and grow.

Adaptability – We collaborate creatively to adapt and provide relevant resources to meet community needs. Family Giving Tree tests new ideas and explores innovative ways of delivering value to our community.

Accountability – We take the initiative to meet our commitments to each other and our volunteers, agencies, donors, and community. We are responsible stewards of the gifts we receive on behalf of those we serve.


To learn more about our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) please visit our DEI information page