Family Giving Tree is committed to the partnerships we have with our recipient agencies, individual donors, sponsors and volunteers and part of that commitment involves transparency about our practices and processes. Given that both our Holiday Wish Drive and Back-to-School Drive involve considerable Drive Leader participation, logistics and planning, and community support, we wanted to share some specifics about each.

Holiday Wish Drive

Questions about the Holiday Wish Drive

Are the names on the wish cards actual people?

Yes! FGT partners with more than 300 agencies to gather the exact wishes of Bay Area residents in need. The names and wish you see are actual children, seniors, and adults transitioning from homelessness being helped by our partner agencies.

How do you make sure everyone gets their wish?

When FGT commits to providing a gift, we take that commitment very seriously. Generally, about 40% of all wish cards are not returned with a gift, so warehouse volunteers shop at our Holiday Wish Drive Community hub “store” to find a gift that best fits the wish. That gift is then given to the recipient so no one goes without.

What happens if I don't turn in a wish card I selected?

FGT still matches the wish. Every single recipient whose name is on a wish card will receive a holiday gift from FGT, whether their wish tag is returned or not. Unfulfilled wish cards are matched with the best option from our Holiday Wish Drive Community Hub “store.” 

What is the Holiday Wish Drive "Store"?

The Holiday Wish Drive “store” at the Community Hub holds thousands of donated and Family Giving Tree bulk-purchased items for distribution during the Drive. Gifts donated without a wish card or duplicate gifts are placed here until a volunteer matches them with an unfulfilled wish card.

What happens if I turn my gift in late? Should I bother turning it in?

Yes! However, be aware that late gifts may not go to the exact child or recipient listed on the wish card if their agency has already picked up their allotted gifts. Our 300+ partner agencies begin picking up from our Community Hub just a few days after Drop-off Day. This makes it incredibly important for all wishes to be returned on time. If your gift is late, it may be reassigned to another recipient whose similar wish has yet to be fulfilled or be used as a gift option in our "store" for recipients on our waitlist. Rest assured, ALL donated gifts will bring joy to a recipient - even those late arrivals!

Back-to-School Drive

Questions about the Back to School Drive

How do you decide which students to support?

Family Giving Tree determines which schools to support through Federal Free and Reduced Price Meal data. The schools chosen have 80%+ of their student population receiving this assistance.

How is your program different from other backpack drives?

The FGT backpack Drive defines the list of supplies needed by grade level to ensure that each student receives what they need while keeping the supply list shorter and more affordable for donors. The grade levels provided are K-2, 3-5, and 6-12. Each backpack is color-coded with a tag to ensure the appropriate backpack goes to the right student.

How do the students receive their backpacks?

In early August, partner schools pick up their allotted backpacks and then distribute them to the students.

Can I help distribute the backpacks to the kids?

We don’t have this opportunity available to donors but are considering developing a special classification of volunteers who could have access to this type of activity. Given that distributions are done on school property, certain safety measures and checks must be performed. We are also mindful of providing privacy and respect for our student recipients, so these opportunities are very limited.