Learn about our new Community Champions program: an initiative that honors monthly givers to the Tree and the ways they contribute to nurturing the programs of our Bay Area Agency Partners.

A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions and the roots spring up and make new trees Amelia Earhart

Over the summer, a Volunteer Family Tree bloomed in the lobby of our Sunnyvale warehouse. Every day it reminded Family Giving Tree staff that our work is sustained by the community —thousands of Bay Area residents who take a little time out of their busy summertime schedules to help prepare students for the new school year, or work to prepare holiday wishes for neighbors.  Each leaf on that tree represented unselfish love from a community member working to lift up their neighbor, and the wish to lift up the next generation towards a more equitable future. Throughout the year, every backpack given, and every holiday gift placed in the hands of a family, a child, or a senior is a wish in ACTION as we unite to build bridges in the community, through acts of kindness and the spreading of joy. 

This week, we’re pleased to launch our Community Champions Monthly Giving Program!  This initiative honors community members who give continuous support to Family Giving Tree throughout the year through monthly donations. 

Through the sustaining support of monthly giving, our Community Champions work to nurture FGT’s initiatives and, in doing so, help nurture the agencies we partner with year-round. Among other benefits, monthly givers receive exclusive updates from partner agencies and volunteer shift opportunities that they can share with family and friends!

Watch below to hear from a few of the agencies we work with as they explain a little about their own missions to empower families in our community! Hear how the Holiday Wish and Backpack Drives help to create a joyful respite from the challenges many in our community are facing, and provide catalysts for new, hopeful beginnings.

Learn more about Community Champions' role and how to enroll as a monthly sustainer of the Tree and the agency programs that we partner with!