Holiday Wish Drive FAQs
Many recipient organizations identify their clients as having special needs, but only some are noted on the wish card. For example, an 18-year-old boy might want a learning toy intended for a kindergartner (developmental issues), or a 25-year-old adult may request a large print book (sight issues). Another example might be a senior asking for an infant activity mat, so think “grandparent” and buy the requested gift. In general, the wishes reflect the genuine need, so it is best to purchase what was requested.
If you don’t think the size matches the age, please purchase the item in the size indicated as our agency partners understand the needs of each gift recipient.
Those recipients noted as unhoused on a wish card are usually under the care of an agency that is assisting them in transitioning into some sort of housing. As with anyone moving into a new space, they are in need of household items in order to set up their new room or apartment.
We have worked hard to ensure all wishes can be found easily and are price—and age-appropriate. If you find an exact match for the primary wish, please look at the listed secondary or alternative wish. If you cannot find either, choose an alternative gift within the same genre as the original wish (e.g., toys, clothing, electronics). If you still cannot fulfill the wish, please contact us by phone at 408-946-3111. We appreciate the time you take to fulfill each wish.
Our partner agencies will begin gift pick-up from the Family Giving Tree Community Hub on December 9. We cannot guarantee that gifts donated after this date will go directly to the individual listed on the card. It may be reassigned to another recipient whose similar wish has yet to be fulfilled or be used as a gift option in our "store" for recipients on our waitlist. Should you find yourself with late donations, please drop off those gifts at Family Giving Tree's Holiday Wish Drive Community Hub through December 23. Check the calendar for dates and time the Community Hub is open and staffed.